

The lessons in high school are held in classes and a high degree of independence is expected, which is also indispensable for the subsequent study.

The subjects taught at grades 11 and 12 are German, English, French, mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, history, geography, ethics/Islamic religion, art and sport. With the exception of sport, examinations are written in all subjects. The subjects Art and Geography are taught in English and the subject Biology bilingual (English).

In the school year 2010/2011the German International Abitur Examination (DIAP) was held for the first time.

Equivalent to a high-quality certificate of all national and international secondary school certificates, it enables students to study in any country in the world. While it is identical in content to the German Abitur, it makes particular use of the foreign language potential of German schools abroad. In addition to the subject-related skills, pupils can also acquire high linguistic competence. These skills have become more important than ever in a globalized world.

The DIAP is a final examination developed specifically for German schools abroad and is aimed at the special requirements of a multicultural, multilingual student body. To ensure that the DIAP is recognized as a qualified school graduation diploma worldwide, uniform examination requirements apply from Kuala Lumpur to Montreal and are monitored by the German Conference of Ministers of Culture (KMK). Both the classic German Abitur and the DIAP are internationally highly valued qualifications.

At the end of the upper level, each graduate of the DIAP has exams in three subjects written and in two subjects orally. The DIAP thus places a further examination focus on the communicative skills of the students.

The high examination standard of the DIAP is guaranteed by the supervision of the German school authorities: the examination commission is chaired by a representative of the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs. He ensures that the Abitur examination is conducted properly and fairly.

Further Downloads for our High School

1 Overview of Exams Download
2 Lesson Timetable Download

Exzellente Deutsche Auslandsschule